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How to Effectively Manage a Board of Medical Directors

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Board members are essential in determining the future of an organization, encouraging accountability and governing it. It can be difficult to manage a large number of people at any stage of their career especially in a physical space such as the board meeting.

Boards face a challenge in finding ways to oversee management without being too micromanaging or influencing. It is crucial that board members are aware of the difference between high-level policy decisions and management policies. It is also important that the board is able to communicate effectively with management and has clearly outlined how it will share its discussions with management.

It is a good idea to schedule regular updates on calling board members between seven and ten days prior to the upcoming board meeting. This allows the board to review issues that will be on the agenda and ensures that no bad news will be delivered at the meeting.

The final key is to create policies that clearly define the roles of the board, the management and the medical team. Effectively implemented policies reduce the amount “busy work” at each board meeting. This allows time for strategic planning.

It is vital that the board has members with a wide spectrum of knowledge across all areas of the business. This includes finance and sales, marketing, and operations. It can also be helpful if some members have previous experience beyond the healthcare industry. This will allow the board to get information from new sources and make the best decisions for the company.

April 18, 2024

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