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VDR Technology for Vietnamese Business M&A

Despite the current global economic challenges, Vietnam’s M&A market is growing. The country’s low labor costs that are half the cost of China’s, and robust infrastructure have drawn global giants such as Samsung, Nike, and Adidas to the country as manufacturing hubs. Vietnam’s location makes it a great supply-chain hub for businesses with an international reach.

While a successful deal depends on a range of factors such as due diligence and digital transformation, it’s vital to safeguard sensitive information from unauthorized access. VDR technology is ideal for this, as it offers a secure location to share confidential documents. In addition, VDRs provide file-level security, which is more effective than the encryption features of cloud storage, e mail, or other solutions.

VDR software also gives users the ability to revoke file access. Users can rest certain that their data is secure from hacking, theft, and use by competitors. Moreover, the two-step verification system provided by certain VDR providers will block non-authorized users from accessing to the platform.

Considering the country’s heightened attention to technology, it is imperative to find a reliable vendor that understands your business and can accommodate your unique requirements. It is also essential to be knowledgeable about Vietnamese employment laws, and to consult tax experts regarding possible indirect taxes or double-taxation. Finally, a deep understanding of Vietnamese cultural norms is necessary to ensure the smoothness of outsourcing. The Vietnamese place a strong emphasis on hierarchy, so it is essential to be respectful of the roles and positions of team members.

April 5, 2024

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