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What Is a Cross-Game?

In the majority of cases, when watching any piece of media, it’s easy for a viewer to evaluate a show based on its past and make expectations of what they want to see. This can result in feelings of disappointment when a show does not perform to the expectations. However, this isn’t the case with Cross Game, a shounen which demonstrates that a captivating story can be found in a simple tale of baseball and love.

The main characters are all unique in their own way, from the four sisters who live across the street to Ko’s most cherished friend Daiki. The small cast makes the show memorable. They can add an element of personality and atmosphere to every scene. Their characterization also allows them to tackle the themes of death and love effortlessly, giving them a deeper impression than you’d expect from a simple shonen.

What makes Cross Game truly stand out is that it knows the best place to focus its attention. The characters are well-developed and there’s not much drama or surprises in every episode. This gives the viewer to take in the relationship development without being distracted by the need for emotional tension or a plot that is constantly trying to shock readers with new twists and the possibility of cliffhangers. The fact that it steers clear of these pitfalls is the reason why Cross Game so wonderful, and something that the genre could benefit from more of.

April 9, 2024

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